Learning PHP is easy and hard. Now we’ll see both easy sides and hard sides.
If you learnt a programming language, c/c++ is very simple for you. But if you not, you should learn programming logic.
If you don’t know something about algorithms, you should start to learn something about it because every programming logic has got algorithms logic. And also PHP has got same logic.
You can visit some visual education sites for learning PHP. But this can’t be enough for learning. This could be good for basis education.
Hard sides for learning are:
If you are not doing this job fondly, this job is hard.
If you don’t know anything about programming, this job is hard.
If you don’t have a target, this job is hard.
But beating these difficulties on your hand. You have to practice, making some scenarios and solve them for learn PHP better.
Most importantly, if you love programming, there is no difficulty for you!